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Mini-Brick Build Contest

Use code MINIBRICK to start.

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Join the Mini-Brick Build Contest

Post your Builds in BabbleBuy [+]

Finalist will be chosen to show their builds at the Mini-Brick Gallery at the Lloyd Center

Submit your Builds in BabbleBuy by Sept 1st

Pop Up Gallery exhibiting the finalists work will be at the Lloyd Center


Visit and vote for your favorite Build.


Pop Up supports Howard's Heart, a non-profit helping foster kids get the things they need.

Gallery Open
Sept 30th - Oct 8th

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Explore the Geek Guide in BabbleBuy.  Find all kinds of fun things to do and buy, including Comic Book & Game shops, Bars and Late night activities Activities, Cosplay and Collectibles.  

Howard's Heart is a non-profit that provides support for older foster teens.  As teens involved in the foster system grow up, their needs grow with them. Howard's Heart offers school supplies, college application fees, and supplies for extracurricular activities - all cost time and money that many vulnerable teens and families find beyond their reach.  

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